To get the certificate in the correct format for Apache (i.e. .pem
files), you have to active
the PemFiles plugin for each of your renewals.
For new renewals this can be done either from the command line with --store pemfiles
from the main menu with the M
option, where it will be posed as a question (“How would you
like to store this certificate?”).
Existing renewals that are set up without the PemFiles plugin (which unfortunately includes
those imported from 1.9.x) cannot be modified with a
command line switch or settings change. You will have to re-create them one by one, or manually
modify the .json
files on disk.
in the main menu (create with full options)Write .pem files to folder (Apache, nginx, etc.)
wacs.exe --source manual --host --validation filesystem --webroot "C:\htdocs\www\" --store pemfiles --pemfilespath C:\apache-certs
If you don’t want to have to specify the path for the .pem
files each time, you can
edit settings.json
in the program directory and set Store.PemFiles.DefaultPath
To use certificates obtained with the help of WACS with the Apache 2.4 server, you need
to make settings in Apache24\conf\extra\httpd-vhosts.conf
file; you could also make
these changes in the \Apache24\conf\extra\httpd-ssl.conf
file as well instead if
you so wish:
Define CERTROOT "C:/apache-certs"
Define SITEROOT "C:/htdocs/www"
<VirtualHost *:443>
DocumentRoot "${SITEROOT}/"
SSLEngine on
SSLCertificateFile "${CERTROOT}/"
SSLCertificateKeyFile "${CERTROOT}/"
Obviously replace
with your actual domain name your siteroot to
where you’re hosting your files.
Do not forget to uncomment LoadModule ssl_module modules/
in Apache24\conf\httpd.conf
file if it’s not already uncommented. You also need to add Listen 443
or Listen 80 443
You don’t need the /
at the end after "${SITEROOT}"
so it
should just read as: DocumentRoot "${SITEROOT}"
for that one line or else
(at least according to my case), would result in an object not found 404 error
when you visit your domain page.
Also, according to Apache standards, backslash means escaping characters so if you wanted to
use backslash as a way for defining directories, then you’re supposed to use another one
so it looks like C:\\XAMPP\\Apache\\somestuff
but apparently the developers have modded
it so that it doesn’t really matter if you double slash or not or use forward slash instead
of a single back slash - they all work the same regardless, at least as of version
3.2.2 of XAMPP.
If you want to use your own folder to store certificates, you can use this cmd script is
for copying (for example, with name installcert.cmd
@echo off
if "%~1" == "" exit
if not exist "%2" md "%2" >nul
set certlist=%3-chain.pem,%3-key.pem
echo Script running...
for %%a in (%certlist%) do copy /y "%ProgramData%\win-acme\%1\%%a" "%2\" >nul && echo. [INFO] Install %%a to Certificate Store in %2... OK || echo. [WARN] Install certificate %%a fieled!
echo. [INFO] Restarting service...
C:\Apache24\bin\httpd.exe -k restart
echo. [INFO] Service restarted.
echo. [INFO] Script finished.
This script is called with parameters:
LEWSuriDirectory CertFolder DomainName
For example:
wacs.exe --source manual --host --webroot "C:\htdocs\www\" --validation filesystem --script "installcert.cmd" --scriptparameters " C:\cert"
Also you must specify a new path to the folder with certificates in your httpd-vhosts.conf